Approx. Length: 5″ (129mm)
Ring Gauge: 42
One of our best-selling cigars. This elegant, smooth-flavored cigar never disappoints.
R&J as a cigar brand dates back to 1875, after being named after William Shakespeare’s tragic lovers. Under the direction of Don “Pepin” Fernandez, who was among the first to recognize the appeal of the cigar band, the brand rose to international fame in the early years of the twentieth century. 20,000 different bands were used in production during his heyday.
Winston Churchill became an R&J devotee. Since his visit to Havana in 1946, his name has been commemorated on a band and used to describe the marque’s most famous size, the Churchill (7 inches x 47).
The balanced and aromatic blend of selected leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region makes Romeo y Julieta the classic medium-bodied brand.